Upon unearthing a magical old VCR, fate dictates that Panchita discovers her calling – to tap dance. Guided by an unexpected, supernatural friend, Mr. Bo – this new passion will connect her with the wide world as she transforms her very own surroundings.
Panchita! is a 5 minute animated short movie about a South American girl living on an informal settlement with dreams of dancing. We are raising funds to bring this film to life!
To raise awareness of the fact that over 200 million people live in poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean today, with no proper home, no potable water, sewage, or electricity access, TECHO paired with Unsaid Studio to transform this scenery into a classic story, made with time, love and most importantly: created for a good cause.
Through Panchita, we aim to represent the kids that live in informal settlements and bring awareness to the work TECHO does with communities on 18 countries. Help us raise funds to bring Panchita to life!
501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization #27-1479398