114 million people in Latin America and the Caribbean live in precarious places. And for the most part, without adequate housing.

When grouped together, these families make up a popular settlement, where more than half of the population does not have title to the land, nor regular access to at least one basic service.

There are people willing to change this reality. More than 1.2 million people have already volunteered with TECHO.

Knowing that popular settlements are a reflection of inequality in Latin America, TECHO arises from the mobilization of youth who are convinced that this reality can be overcome through voluntary action.

The reality of informal settlements in Latin America*


3 out of 4 settlements (73.3%) do not have a connection to the sewage network.


1 out of 3 settlements (36.7%) does not have a formal electrical connection.


1 out of every 2 settlements (53.5%) does not have a connection to potable.


3 out of 4 settlements (75.4%) have irregular land tenure.


1 out of every 5 settlements (20.3%) has a high probability of being evicted.

(*) Results obtained from a database of 651 cases, through a stratified random sampling of 93 settlements for each country.

Get Involved Today

Become part of TECHO

Being a TECHO BFF monthly donor means you are committed to being a part of the solution and support the work we do every day. You’ll get updates on the projects we are working on around Latin America and the Caribbean. 

Want to travel with a purpose? TECHO Troopers is a community of hands-on families building houses and human connections. It means being there with the people you are helping, working side-by-side, and living a mind-blowing human experience.

The Empathy Pact unites brands, institutions, and organizations to bring change by providing donations or joining building trips that serve as an unforgettable bonding experience for employees.

I’m interested in volunteering. How can I help?

Glad you asked! We are always looking for volunteers who want to contribute to TECHO’s mission and support the work we do across 18 countries in Latin America and the Caribbean.